Written by Eiji Katsura, Toni Hildebrand, Koji Yamamura, Noboru Matsuura, Michiko Oishi, Hikaru Suzuki, Koji Kato, Ewa Piaskowska, Regina Pessoa, Akira Takayama, and others
Lecture "Animation and Dreams"
Introduction to Contemporary Animation | Regina Pessoa | Koji Yamamura
Edit: Tokyo University of the Arts
Publisher: Sayusha
Pages: 532
ISBN-10 4865284400
ISBN-13 978-4865284409
Written by Eiji Katsura, Toni Hildebrandt, Koji Yamamura, Takefumi Tsutsui, Shota Mori, Asako Fukuda, Yuki Teshima, Umin Gen, Hitoshi Takeuchi, Hiiragi Isaka, and others
Introduction to Contemporary Animation|Korean Society in Animation|Yamamura Koji
Edit: Tokyo University of the Arts
Publisher: Sayusha
Pages: 520
...The intensity of Kuri’s animated shorts and his influence through the Animation 3-nin no Kai (Three-Person Animation Club) in the 1960s illuminated a path different from Japan’s industrial animation. Collaborating with leading musicians and graphic designers like Toru Takemitsu, Yoko Ono, Makoto Wada, and Tadanori Yokoo, Kuri’s work inspired countless creators. Unfortunately, such a creative synergy feels hard to replicate today.
»Cartoon Brew
Column column column "Author's Eyes" in the February issue of "Bungakukai" (Bungeishunju, 2022.10.17), approx. 1,200 words »Site
Ralph's life as a painter, which is directly connected to society, serves as a mirror of the times and illuminates the present. The pleasure of watching the site where an image is born from the tip of a pen, and the animated part is also very chewy."